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A total of 12 nearly 60 m long trams are being produced at Plzeň works, and now the first Škoda ForCity Smart 38T from batch production is ready to depart for the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan area.
On 19 March 2025, Alstom announced it will supply the Eurométropole de Strasbourg and the Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) with 27 new-generation Citadis trams that will reinforce CTS fleet from 2026.
On 19 March 2025, Alstom has been chosen by Le Havre Seine Métropole to supply the new trams for the extension of its tramway network.
On 28 February, the Syndicat des Mobilités de Touraine (SMT) signed a contract with the CAF for the delivery of 19 Urbos trams for the future line 2 of the Tours tramway.
After the official presentation to the press of the TRAMLINK on 19 February 2025, Azienda Transporti Milanesi (ATM) has started regular service on Lines 7 and 31.
Hello Rostock, I am TINA! The first of TINA trams has arrived in Rostock and was presented to the local press, city representatives, employees and other guests for the first time on 19 February 2025.
At the beginning of March, the 100th Flexity will have its very first working day on Wien streets.
For Kassel, from Kassel: The HÜBNER Group will supply gangway systems and other components for 22 new Škoda 50T trams that will be in service in Kassel from 2027.
On 12 December 2024, Škoda Group and Tampereen Raitiotie signed a contract for the delivery of seven new four-car bi-directional ForCity Smart Artic X34 trams and one additional module to extend one of the existing three-car trams.
On 27 January 2025, the Škoda Group presented the first ForCity Plus 52T tram destined for Praha to representatives of DPP and the media.
On 10 December 2024, the new-generation Citadis trams entered service on line T1 of the Île-de-France Mobilités network.
CAF secured two new agreements to expand the number of units in its current projects: it will supply the Dutch operator GVB with 13 additional trains for the Amsterdam metro, and it will increase the number of units for the new Palermo city tram network.
On 11 November 2024, the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) put into commercial service the new extension of Barcelona’s tramway, an extension of approximately two kilometres – that incorporates Alstom's innovative catenary-free technology, known as APS.
A small reminder of the last InnoTrans and the ForCity 36T bi-directional trams for Rhein Neckar Verkehr (rnv) was provided by the models on the Škoda stand, which showed all three 1,000 mm gauge versions ordered as part of the Rhein-Neckar-Tram 2020 (RNT) project.
On 26 September 2024, Škoda Group and Tampereen Raitiotie signed in Tampere a contract for the extension of the ForCity Smart Artic X34 trams.