ČD Cargo 2025


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Mock-Up Of Lastochka Meridian’s Single Compartment
Mock-Up Of Lastochka Meridian’s Single Compartment

Between 17 and 23 December 2021, UL unveiled a mock-up of a single compartment of a future double-deck Lastochka.

New TVZ-Built Double-Deck Restaurant Car Authorised
New TVZ-Built Double-Deck Restaurant Car Authorised

On 18 November 2021, Alexander Komissarov, Head of the RSFZhT, handed over to Alexey Moguchev, Technical Director of TVZ, a certificate of compliance with TR TS 001/2011 for the new Model 61-4525 restaurant car. 

TMH's "Yolochka" Capsule Car
TMH's "Yolochka" Capsule Car

During the Transport Week 2021 exhibition, held between 13 and 19 November in Moskva, TMH together with FPK presented the new interior concept of a non-compartment car.

Pilot Batch Of The New TVZ's Restaurant Car To Be Built
Pilot Batch Of The New TVZ's Restaurant Car To Be Built

On 25 October 2021 the Commission for acceptance of the Model 61-4525 double-deck dining car, which took place at TVZ, decided to produce the introductory batch of 50 cars.

Development Of The RZD Double-Deck Trains
Development Of The RZD Double-Deck Trains

The popularity of RZD double-deck trains among passengers is growing.

Baikalskaya Skazka
Baikalskaya Skazka

On 8 July 2021, TVZ received type approval for new Model 61-4524 and 61-4523 double-deck cars.

TVZ-Built New Double-Deck Cars Certified
TVZ-Built New Double-Deck Cars Certified

On 8 July 2021, TMH received type approval for the new TVZ-built Model 61-4523 and 61-4524 cars of the Vagon-2020 family.

Mock-Up Of TVZ Capsule Carriage Exhibited
Mock-Up Of TVZ Capsule Carriage Exhibited

Between 11 and 13 June 2021, FPK and TMH exhibited a new concept of a „platskartny“ car at the VDNKh exhibition centre in Moskva.

New TVZ-Built Double-Deck Sleepers
New TVZ-Built Double-Deck Sleepers

In recent months, the prototypes of new Model 61-4523 and 61-4524 sleeping cars built by Tversky vagonostroitelny zavod were tested.

New TVZ-Built Cars For Sakhalin
New TVZ-Built Cars For Sakhalin

In mid-November 2020, TVZ sent 18 new 1,520 mm gauge carriages to passenger service operator Passazhirskaya kompaniya „Sakhalin“.

New Concept Of FPK Carriages
New Concept Of FPK Carriages

On 2 October 2020 near Paveletsky vokzal in Moskva, FPK and TMH presented to passengers and the media the concept of the new „platskartny“ car for long-distance services, built by TVZ for a „T“ loading gauge (gabarit T).

3,730 Passenger Cars For FPK
3,730 Passenger Cars For FPK

On 14 February 2019, at the Russian investment forum held in Sochi, TVZ and FPK (Federal Passenger Company), in the presence of Russian Prime...