ČD Cargo 2025


filtered by: tags.tag VTG

VTG completes full acquisition of Retrack Slovakia
VTG completes full acquisition of Retrack Slovakia

On 29 January 2025, VTG acquired the remaining shares in Retrack Slovakia from Rail Services Slovakia, becoming the sole owner of Retrack Slovakia and its subsidiaries in Hungary and the Czech Republic.

New HOA hoppers for Mendip Rail
New HOA hoppers for Mendip Rail

VTG Rail UK has completed the delivery of the first batch of 34 out of 203 new HOA hopper wagons to Mendip Rail.

New JNA-Z box wagons for DRS
New JNA-Z box wagons for DRS

On 28 March 2024 Direct Rail Services has taken delivery of a fleet of 25 brand new JNA-Z box wagons from VTG Rail UK.

ModuBox Bulk
ModuBox Bulk

This is the name given by VTG to a range of its open, fork-lift-manipulated, high-wall superstructures.

Deliveries of T4000 pocket wagons started and more ordered
Deliveries of T4000 pocket wagons started and more ordered

On 21 December 2023, ERA issued an approval for the T4000 pocket wagons from Tatravagónka so that the latter could subsequently start deliveries of a 200-strong batch to VTG. The first set of 15 wagons was shipped in January 2024, with the second set being transported to the customer in early February.

VTG To Discontinue Its Tank Container Logistics Activities
VTG To Discontinue Its Tank Container Logistics Activities

VTG is terminating its tank container transport and logistics business and will discontinue the relevant activities by the end of the second quarter of 2023.

RWE And VTG Develop Rail-Based Logistics Concept For Ammonia
RWE And VTG Develop Rail-Based Logistics Concept For Ammonia

Customers in Germany and the Netherlands can be reached without pipelines or inland ports.

VTG Launched Rail Logistics Company In Lithuania
VTG Launched Rail Logistics Company In Lithuania

VTG Rail Logistics has stepped up its presence in the Baltics.

FastTrack Now Also Available At DUSS Terminal München-Riem
FastTrack Now Also Available At DUSS Terminal München-Riem

Already well established at ports such as Rotterdam and Göteborg, FastTrack is now also going off the blocks at another key European freight node.

Tatravagónka's Second Assembly Line For Grain Wagons
Tatravagónka's Second Assembly Line For Grain Wagons

In June 2022, Tatravagónka started operation of the second assembly line for the production of hopper wagons for transport of cereals.

Container Wagons For VTG Rail Russia
Container Wagons For VTG Rail Russia

In November 2021, VTG Rail Russia (OOO VTG), provider of wagon rental services on the Russian market, has signed a contract with RM Rail for the supply of 250 Model 13-1258-01 container wagons.

More Container Wagons For VTG Rail Russia
More Container Wagons For VTG Rail Russia

On 11 November 2021, Transmash has signed a contract for delivery of 250 Model 13-9744-06 wagons for containers and tank-containers with VTG Rail Russia.

More Tikhvin-Built Wagons For VTG Rail Russia
More Tikhvin-Built Wagons For VTG Rail Russia

On 13 September 2021, OVK (UWC) has signed a new agreement to supply 100 container wagons to VTG Rail Russia.

LIQVIS And VTG Test Rail-Based LNG Transport
LIQVIS And VTG Test Rail-Based LNG Transport

On behalf of LIQVIS GmbH, a Uniper SE subsidiary, VTG AG has successfully completed initial tests involving the transportation by rail of cryogenically liquefied natural gas in specially developed tank wagons.

VTG Ramps Up Its SWS-PowerBox Temperature-Controlled Transports
VTG Ramps Up Its SWS-PowerBox Temperature-Controlled Transports

In the shape of the SWS-PowerBox, VTG is adding to its offerings to deliver temperature-controlled rail transport.