ČD Cargo 2025


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More FLIRT H2 trains for California
More FLIRT H2 trains for California

The State of California and Stadler have signed on 12 October 2023 a contract for delivery of four hydrogen-powered trains for the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and Caltrans, with an option for up to 25 additional ones.

Stadler: "Individuality In Rail Transport"
Stadler: "Individuality In Rail Transport"

On 16 March 2023, Stadler held a conference at the Bussnang plant entitled "Individuality in rail transport", at which its latest products and technologies were presented and it was possible, among other things, to run in a FLIRT H2. In the following we will therefore focus on alternative drives as they are conceived by this vehicle manufacturer.

FLIRT H2 Prototype On Test
FLIRT H2 Prototype On Test

On 16 March 2023, Stadler presented the FLIRT H2.

InnoTrans 2022 (25)
InnoTrans 2022 (25)

Stadler presented a variety of units in Berlin. At the forefront of its display were models with alternative propulsion. First we introduce FLIRT H2.


On 16 November 2021, the first of three FLIRT DMUs for San Bernardino County Transit Authority (SBCTA) left the Stadler’s Salt Lake City works.