ČD Cargo 2025


filtered by: tags.tag TINA

Hallo Rostock, ich bin TINA!
Hallo Rostock, ich bin TINA!

Hello Rostock, I am TINA! The first of TINA trams has arrived in Rostock and was presented to the local press, city representatives, employees and other guests for the first time on 19 February 2025.

Stadler Is To Deliver Trams To The Netherlands For The First Time
Stadler Is To Deliver Trams To The Netherlands For The First Time

On 16 December 2022, following the tender award decision in October, the Dutch public transport company HTM of Den Haag and Stadler signed the contract for 56 new TINA trams with an option for further vehicles

InnoTrans 2022 (21)
InnoTrans 2022 (21)

Stadler's large exhibition also included a member of the new TINA tram family, which is the successor to the Tango family. On display was first representative of the Type ST-15 tram for HEAG mobilo, the transport company providing tram services in the Darmstadt-Dieburg region of Germany.

TINA Trams For Halle (Saale)
TINA Trams For Halle (Saale)

On 23 August 2022, Stadler and HAVAG concluded a contract for 56 TINA trams.

TINA Trams For Rostock
TINA Trams For Rostock

On 24 June 2022, Rostocker Straßenbahnen AG (RSAG) and Stadler have  signed a contract for the delivery of 28 TINA trams.

BLT Contract For 25 TINA Trams
BLT Contract For 25 TINA Trams

On 12 November 2021, Baselland Transport and Stadler signed a contract for delivery of 25 latest-generation TINA trams.