Hallo Rostock, ich bin TINA!

posted on 1st Mar 2025 18:31

The first of TINA trams has arrived in Rostock and was presented to the local press, city representatives, employees and other guests for the first time on 19 February 2025. The name stands for „Total Integrierter Niederflur-Antrieb“ (‘totally integrated low-floor drive’). RSAG (Rostocker Straßenbahn AG) has ordered 29 trams from Stadler in June 2022. The total order volume is around 100 million EUR. The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is supporting the purchase with 9.45 million EUR.

Main technical data:
Supply voltage 750 V DC 
Maximum speed 70 km/h
Tram length 32,250 mm 
Tram width 2,650 mm 
Tram height 3,500 mm above TOR
Bogie wheelbase 1,800 mm 
Seating capacity 75 
Standing space 141 
Floor height: low-floor part 350 mm above TOR
Access at doors 290 mm above TOR 
Entrance width 1,300 mm

Various driver assistance systems represent a major innovation. for example, a new type of collision protection system that will further increase the safety of tram operations. All vehicles are being built in Poland. Since February 2024, production of the bodyshells has been underway at the Środa Wielkopolska factory (near Poznań), which specialises in the construction and painting of steel bodyshells. The final assembly is carried out at the Siedlce works.

The commissioning phase is now beginning for the first TINA. The new tram will be running regularly on the Rostock network in preparation for technical acceptance. During this time, extensive tests will be carried out, followed by driver training. The first tram is expected to be rolling through Rostock with passengers by the end of 2025. By mid-2025, two more TINAs will arrive at the RSAG tram depot on low-loaders. All other vehicles will follow by mid-2027.

The new trams can be used on the entire RSAG network, preferably, they will be used on the main lines 1 and 5. The new vehicles will gradually replace some of the Type 6N1 trams currently in operation, which date from 1994 to 1996 and are being withdrawn after around 30 years of service. RSAG operates six tram lines, with the trams covering around 3.1 million km per year.


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