ČD Cargo 2025


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Wiener Linien orders 10 additional X-Wagen metro trains
Wiener Linien orders 10 additional X-Wagen metro trains

The WL fleet will be modernized with 44 new X trains.

X-Wagen metro trains started passenger service
X-Wagen metro trains started passenger service

On 16 June 2023 the X-Wagen metro has started passenger service on the Wiener Linien network.

InnoTrans 2022 (38)
InnoTrans 2022 (38)

At InnoTrans 2022, Siemens Mobility was the only exhibitor presenting a train for the metro - specifically it has shown two cars of the new Wiener Linien's X-Wagen type.

The New Air-Free Siemens Brake System
The New Air-Free Siemens Brake System

In close collaboration with Siemens Liebherr developed and produces a compact, closed, electrohydraulic brake actuator including all the components necessary to build-up and release the brake force as well as local control.

Hallo FeliX!
Hallo FeliX!

With this exclamation, Wiener Linien announced on 6 May 2021 the name for its new metro trains.

Type X Unit Carried Its First „Passengers“
Type X Unit Carried Its First „Passengers“

For over 250 days, tests of a prototype metro train formed by so-called X-Wagens have been underway in Wien.

X-Wagen In The RTA Climatic Tunnel
X-Wagen In The RTA Climatic Tunnel

Between 15 and 30 June 2020 the cars 3701 and 3501 of the first X-Wagen metro train have been subjected to numerous tests at the RTA Rail Tec Arsenal climatic wind tunnel.

Wiener Linien First X-Wagens Complete
Wiener Linien First X-Wagens Complete

On 3 July 2020 representatives of Wien, Wiener Linien and Siemens Mobility unveiled the first X-Wagen cars of the new metro generation at the Siemens Simmering works.

First Wiener Linien's X-Wagen Bodyshell
First Wiener Linien's X-Wagen Bodyshell

On 22 August 2019 at Siemens's Wien works in Simmering the presentation of the first completed and painted aluminium bodyshell of new Wien metro...