ČD Cargo 2025


filtered by: tags.tag ROG

The First Class 93 Locomotive Completed
The First Class 93 Locomotive Completed

The first Class 93 locomotive has been completed at the Stadler València plant and should be shipped to the UK in the next few days or weeks.

GCRE Acquired Class 360/2 Desiro UK EMUs
GCRE Acquired Class 360/2 Desiro UK EMUs

In early October, the Global Centre of Rail Excellence (GCRE) of Wales has acquired a fleet of three Class 360/2 EMUs from Rail Operations Group (ROG).

What Will Be The Future Fate Of The Class 360/2 EMUs?
What Will Be The Future Fate Of The Class 360/2 EMUs?

In February 2021, Rail Operations UK have completed a Sale and Purchase Agreement with Heathrow Airport Limited to acquire the fleet of five Class 360/2 EMUs, plus spare parts.

Class 93s For Grand Union
Class 93s For Grand Union

Stadler started the final assembly of the first of the Class 93 locomotives at the València works in early July.

ROG's Class 93: First Bodyshell Complete
ROG's Class 93: First Bodyshell Complete

Stadler has started final assembly of the first from a batch of the Class 93 locomotives for Rail Operations (UK).