
filtered by: tags.tag servicejet

Test runs and instrumented wheelsets for the new rescue train provided by PJM
Test runs and instrumented wheelsets for the new rescue train provided by PJM

ÖBB-Infrastruktur has procured a new fleet of 18 servicejet rescue trains from Stadler.

ÖBB and Stadler unveiled the new rescue train
ÖBB and Stadler unveiled the new rescue train

Stadler is delighted to announce the first public appearance of the new trimodal rescue train.

Servicejet on test at Velim
Servicejet on test at Velim

On 11 March 2024, one of the new firefighting and rescue trains for ÖBB was delivered to Velim.

First new SBB FLIRT at Erlen
First new SBB FLIRT at Erlen

The first of 286 FLIRT EMUs for SBB, Thurbo and RegionAlps has arrived in Erlen on 5 December.