ČD Cargo 2025

Citadises For Toulouse, Brest And Besançon

posted on 28th Apr 2023 08:44

On 27 April 2023 Alstom has been chosen by the metropolitan areas of Toulouse, Brest and Besançon and their respective transport authorities to supply the new trams for their networks. The order will include 22 Citadises as follows: 9 for Toulouse, 8 for Brest and 5 for Besançon.

Other trams may be ordered during the eight years of the contract in order to meet the needs of the metropolitan areas' transport services. The first deliveries will take place in Besançon in March 2025, with entry into service scheduled for September of the same year. The first deliveries will follow for Brest in July 2025 and for Toulouse in January 2026 for commissioning in January 2026 and September 2026, respectively.

A Group Order

The three metropolitan areas have joined forces in a group order with the aim of optimising costs. To meet this need, Alstom's teams relied on the Citadis portfolio, which benefits from the experience of more than 3,000 trams already ordered in 70 cities (including 24 in France, with the addition of Besançon) in 20 countries around the world. Based on this product, the new rolling stock will retain the iconic features and design elements of the trams currently in service in these cities.

With a length of 32.5 m and a width of 2.4 m, the new trams have four 1.3 m double-leaf doors and two single-leaf doors per sidewall. They offer a capacity of 201 passengers and are equipped with fully glazed doors to enhance the feeling of comfort and safety for passengers.

In compliance with the PRM (Persons with Reduced Mobility) regulation, the trams are equipped with door opening buttons at the right height, wider seats and areas reserved for wheelchair users and pushchairs. For a comfortable and safe journey, the trams are air-conditioned and equipped with a dynamic passenger information system as well as a video protection system.

Nine Alstom sites in France are involved in the manufacturing of these trams:
• La Rochelle, for design and assembly,
• Le Creusot, for the bogies,
• Ornans, for the motors,
• Villeurbanne, for on-board electronics and cyber security,
• Aix-en-Provence, for the tachometric units,
• Sens, Gennevilliers and Saint-Florentin, for brake discs and linings,
• Saint-Ouen, for design.

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