ČD Cargo 2025

ForCity Smart 39T With DPO

posted on 17th Feb 2022 14:58

On 17 February 2022, DPO (the Ostrava transport company) officially took over the first of 35 trams of the Type Škoda 39T. This happened less than a month after the tram completed a test service, during which it travelled 20,000 km without and 20,000 km with passengers.

The acceptance of five more vehicles will follow by the end of February, and 18 trams are currently being manufactured at the Škoda Transportation group's production hall in Ostrava-Martinov. Along with the arrival of these new trams, DPO will be decommissioning the obsolete Type T3 and T6 high-floor trams, which are currently operated as coupled cars. 

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