ČD Cargo 2025

First ZEFIRO Express For Västtrafik Finished

posted on 16th Dec 2020 12:06

Bombardier Transportation and Swedish public transport operator Västtrafik have reached another significant milestone in the ZEFIRO Express X80 train project. The manufacturer has completed the construction of the first ZEFIRO Express EMU and Västtrafik has approved the building and awarded the Delivery Certificate enabling the testing and commissioning phase to begin.

„Achieving the Delivery Certificate is a critical quality milestone in our schedule, and I would like to thank everyone in Västtrafik’s team and our Bombardier team for their hard work to reach this goal. Next steps are to undertake a series of static tests to ensure all onboard systems and equipment are fully functional and safe, followed by dynamic testing where we will witness the first ZEFIRO Express in motion for the first time,” said Henrik Junkrans, Project Execution Director Nordics at Bombardier Transportation.

The tests will take place at Hennigsdorf works and on the test track in Germany. The first train is scheduled to be delivered to Sweden next year, where it will undergo extensive commissioning on Västtrafik’s network.  

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