ČD Cargo 2025

25 More Swing Trams For Sofia

posted on 18th Nov 2021 10:50

On 18 November 2021, PESA and Stolichen Electrotransport EAD have signed a contract for the supply of 25 Swing trams. Due to the limitations resulting from the COVID-19 situation in Bulgaria, the parties decided to sign the contract by mail. Today, the last signatures were placed on the documents and the fourth contract of the Bydgoszcz-based company for the Bulgarian capital has become a fact.

New trams will have technical parameters similar to the vehicles delivered previously. They will be low-floor  air-conditioned, five-car Swings with a length of 30 m, with 41 seats and 160 standing places. 

The tender was settled in July 2020, but the subsequent appeals of PESA's competitors led to the extension of the proceedings. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs engaged in dialogue with the Bulgarian side, talks were conducted by, among others, Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński and the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Sofia. "Due to the complicated appeal procedure, we waited a long time for the contract to be signed, but the deliveries of Swings to Sofia will end in 2023," emphasised Marcin Grzyb, PESA sales director of LRV.

So far, under the three previous contracts, PESA has delivered 37 trams to Sofia. 

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