ČD Cargo 2025

Two New Orders For Urbos Trams

posted on 21st Mar 2023 09:21

On 20 March 2023 the CAF Group announced that it has won two new orders to supply Urbos trams for a combined value of over 100 million EUR. On the one hand, it will supply 31 trams to BKK (Budapesti Közlekedési Központ), and on the other, six trams to the Seville town of Alcalá de Guadaíra.

Budapest Trams

Through BKK, Budapest has enforced a new option provided for in the initial contract to extend the number of units supplied. In this case an additional 31 trams will be delivered, 26 of them five-car, being 34 m long and with a maximum capacity of 326 passengers, and remaining will be five nine-car, 56 m long, for up to 562 passengers. The Urboses will be low-floor, with a maximum speed of 50 km/h. The contract will include the supply of additional equipment and services.

CAF secured its first contract with BKK in 2014, for 37 units with the option to increase their number in possible future extensions. Since then, the customer has already confirmed some of these options, having already received an additional 36 units, all of which are currently in passenger service. In addition to these, a further 20 trams, which were awarded at the end of 2022 and currently being designed and manufactured, will be supplied.

Alcalá de Guadaíra Trams

The Andalusian Regional Department of Public Works has awarded CAF the supply of six Urboses to provide service on the Alcalá de Guadaíra tram network in Seville. The contract also includes two years of maintenance, as well as the supply of spare parts. Five of the trams are intended to provide service on the network in this town, with a sixth unit being available at the depot to provide a service in synchronisation with Seville Metro's Line 1, which it will connect up with at the Pablo de Olavide stop, next to the University that gives the station its name.

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