ČD Cargo 2025

TMH Fulfilled Its Contract For UBTZ

updated on 15th Dec 2021 20:41 posted on 9th Dec 2021 10:01

In November 2021, four Class 2TE25KM mainline locomotives, No. 0517 - 0520, were sent to Ulaanbaatar Tomor Zam (Ulaanbaatar Railway) in Mongolia, together with the three Class TEM18DM shunters, and finalising the 2019 contract. A total of 14 mainline diesels together with 10 shunters were built by BMZ for UBTZ:

- 2TE25KM-0454 to 0456, 0459 to 0462 (sent on 28 December 2019), 

- 2TE25KM-0514 to 0516 (sent on 28 February 2020)

- 2TE25KM-0517 to 0520 (sent on 10 November 2021),

- TEM18DM-3263 (sent on 28 December 2019),

- TEM18DM-3284 + 3299 (sent on 25 September 2020),

- TEM18DM-3289 + 3290 (sent on 24 December 2020),

- TEM18DM-3326 + 3327 (sent on 23 September 2021)

-TEM18DM-3330 + 3336 + 3337 (sent on 26 November 2021).

Two Class TEM18DMs, shipped in 2021, were adapted for the 1,435 mm track gauge. 

The Class TEM18DM is operated in Mongolia for over 10 years, while the Class 2TE25KM since 2017. The locomotives were designed with the harsh climate conditions in mind, and were ready for the high dust level and temperature drops, typical for Mongolia. 

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