The First Ivolga 3.0 Entered Service

posted on 12th Apr 2023 09:04

On 5 April 2023 the newest Class EGE2Tv made its maiden run on the MTsD (Moskovskie tsentralnye diametry) network on the D2 Line from Nakhabino (west of Moskva) to Podolsk (south of Moskva). Prior to that, technical test runs of each Ivolga 3.0 without passengers was carried out. For the first time in TMH practice, an asynchronous traction drive of its own design was used in the EMU design. EGE2Tv is the first electric train with a top speed of 160 km/h to be designed and manufactured entirely in Russia. 

Maxim Liksutov, Head of the Moskva Transport Department, told: „We expect more than 600 cars of suburban trains to arrive at the Moskva transport hub this year, then the share of renewed trains in the region will reach 71 %“. Until now, 12 Ivolga 3.0 units have been built, with EGE2Tv-012 finished in December 2022.

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