More Cars For Russian Post

posted on 25th Nov 2021 20:09

During October 2021, TVZ  fulfilled the contract with Zenith Leasing for delivery of new Model 61-4505.01 baggage and mail cars, which will be operated by Pochta Rossii.

These cars with a crew compartment are designed for postal transportation not only in the territory of Russia - they can also be fitted with the 1,435 mm gauge bogies, so they can run in China. The design speed of 160 km/h makes it possible to incorporate these cars not only in the postal-luggage trains, but also in passenger trains. The cars are equipped with a complex monitoring system which is capable of simultaneously monitoring up to 10 baggage and mail cars.

Production of this type of cars started at TVZ in 2015. Currently, Russian Post already has about 300 cars of previous Models 61-4505 and 61-4504 at its disposal.

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