InterJet On Test In Poland

posted on 6th Jul 2021 15:11

Between 21 and 28 June 2021, a shortened four-car Viaggio Comfort test rake underwent trials in Hungary. After their completion, the same rake formed by the Class Bdmpz + Bmpz + Bbmpz + Ampz cars was transported to Poland on 29 June. The destination was Poznań and the IPS Tabor testing institute located on the siding coming from Poznań Wschód (East) station.

This special train arrived at the test facility in the early morning hours of 30 June and then static EMC and interference measurements were carried out with the InterJet rake. On 7 July, the train is to leave Poznań and return to the Czech Republic.

Since 2019 the complete name of this Poznań-based site is Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych TABOR, i. e. Łukasiewicz Research Network - TABOR Railway Vehicles Institute („Tabor“ stands for Rolling stock). Or shortened Łukasiewicz - IPS „TABOR”. The new research network uses name of Ignacy Łukasiewicz (8 March 1822 - 7 January 1882), a Polish pharmacist, engineer, businessman, inventor, and philanthropist. He was a pioneer who in 1856 built the world's first modern oil refinery.

His name has now been used for the network of testing institutes being created by the Polish government as part of their centralisation, which includes not only railway institutions. At the same time, the assignment has been changed, so that Łukasiewicz - IPS „TABOR“ now belongs under the Ministry of Education and Science, whereas until 2018 it was under the umbrella of the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology (and earlier under the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Industry).

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