ČD Cargo 2025

Further EMC Measurements With TRAXX MS3 Locomotives For ČD Cargo

posted on 23rd Apr 2020 20:49

Within the process to award the approval of the test service on the public network, locomotives 388.001 and 002 for ČD Cargo underwent another round of EMC measurements at the VUZ Velim test centre n 21 April 2020. Actually, the goal is to achieve full compatibility with edition 3 of the Czech ČSN 34 2613 standard "Railway signaling equipment - Track circuits and external conditions for their operation".

The Class 388 is the first type of modern electric locomotive assessed according to the edition 3 of this standard, significantly stricter than the previous editions. The measurements were realised with both TRAXXes running in multiple traction, while for simulation of the load ČD Cargo provided several InnoWaggons with coal-loaded Montainers, which are used on regular transports to the Chvaletice power plant.

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