ČD Cargo 2025

First 16Ev Car In Plzeň

posted on 17th Apr 2022 14:28

On 12 April 2022, the first car of the first Type 16Ev EMU for Pasažieru vilciens was moved from the Škoda Vagonka works in Ostrava to Plzeň. The transport took place by road instead of rail due to the size of the vehicle and its 1,520 mm track gauge. On the test track at Škoda Transportation in Plzeň the first car will be mounted on its broad-gauge bogies (manufactured in Plzeň), will be commissioned and will start its first static and dynamic tests.

During April, the remaining three cars of the first unit are to be moved to Plzeň, too. After their commissioning, the complete train will be coupled and will then undergo a series of further testing prior sending to Haniska pri Košiciach in Slovakia, where there is a 3 kV DC broad-gauge line.

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