TRAXX MS3 For ČD Cargo Starts Test Operation

posted on 24th Jun 2020 09:46

On 12 June 2020, both first ČD Cargo TRAXX MS3 locomotives, which are present in the Czech Republic, moved from the VUZ Velim test centre to the Ústí nad Labem depot. Following all necessary paperwork being sorted out, the first run in the test regime took place on 23 June with 388.001 undergoing a return run between Ústí nad Labem and Klášterec nad Ohří.

On the 24th, 388.002 followed, this time running light from Děčín to Kutná Hora. Haulage of freight is supposed to be launched within a few days. By the end of August, it is also planned to haul ČD’s passenger services.

This is the very first test operation in normal service for the new TRAXX MS3 type at all. DÚ requires to cover 50 000 km during the test operation, thereof 10 000 km in passenger service. This mileage must be clocked up by single one locomotive, no matter which one reaches this first.

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