TRAXX locomotives with Atlas are coming

posted on 22nd Jun 2023 14:21

On 20 June 2023 Alstom announced that a new important step has been taken in the integration of the Atlas onboard ETCS to the TRAXX locomotive platform. On 17 May 2023, the first TRAXX with an Atlas onboard ETCS left Alstom’s works in Kassel. The converted locomotive was later sent to the VUZ test ring in Velim, where it will undergo an intensive two-month programme of testing, examining the ATP and other systems, along with functional, odometry and antenna interference tests. This locomotive is the first of many locomotive variants that will be equipped with Atlas and undergo tests. 

After testing and authorisation, the upgrade works will be rolled-out to both legacy and new-build TRAXXes, converting fleets from various customers to the Atlas ETCS OBU of Baseline 3. Alstom is responsible for the conversion works which include installing the new cubicle within the machine room, as well as implementing all necessary peripheral adaptations.


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