ČD Cargo 2025

Smartron Starts Operation In Romania

posted on 18th Jun 2020 11:37

After being well established in Bulgaria, Smartrons start to operate in Romania now. Bucureşti-based operator E-P Rail has placed an order for four last year, and the first one, 192 020, was handed over to the customer just recently and put in service, being renumbered to 192 003 under Romanian registration. The other three Smartrons for this operator, 192 021 to 023, are already being prepared for delivery, too.

PIMK Rail was the first Bulgarian customer for Smartrons, with an order for three, further one being Bulmarket with two (192 028 and 029), and BDZ PP, which very recently signed a contract for ten. Meanwhile also customers in Romania emerged, with E-P Rail being followed by Unicom Tranzit, the latter to receive 192 026 and 027. PIMK Rail has gradually received all three, 80 006, 002 and 019 (ex 192 006, 002 and 019), the last one delivered in early June 2020.

For operation in Germany, Siemens has so far received orders for 26 Smartrons.

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