ČD Cargo 2025

Škoda Invests In Pars Nova

posted on 15th Aug 2020 14:52

On 14 August 2020 Škoda Transportation announced that it will invest 460 million CZK (around 18 million EUR) in Šumperk-based Pars nova works over the next four years. The investments will be focused on the expansion of production capacities by 35 % and on further technological modernisation of the complex. Škoda Transportation is thus continuing its huge investments to improve its production bases - after those in Ostrava and Plzeň.

„We need to significantly increase production capacity and innovate technologies in order to meet the growing demand for vehicle modernisations, repairs and also for further work within the Škoda Transportation group,“ says Aleš Měrka, Pars nova CEO and Member of the Board, adding: „The modernisation was started by extending the testing hall and the hall for vehicle handing over, which we plan to complete by the end of this year. We have also started a comprehensive modernisation of the main production hall and are preparing investments in a new bogie and wheelset repair shops. There we will create up to 17 new working places and a new bogie repair line.”

In 2021, a new CNC wheel lathe, a wheelset press, a specialized workplace for the bearing assembly and a defectoscopy centre will be installed there. The hall will be completed in 2022 with the building of a separate paint shop and blasting box. Further investments are planned in Šumperk in the complete reconstruction of production facilities, such as traction motor repair shops, electronics repair shops and the production of spare parts. As capacity expands, new employees will also be recruited.

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