Railway Direction Days 2023 Congress

posted on 22nd Dec 2022 14:32

Transforming the transport infrastructure in the Three Seas region into a modern, sustainable, efficient and fully integrated public transport system, developing the HSR network in Poland and the Three Seas countries or stimulating economic development through railway projects - these are among the most important themes of the international congress organised by CPK. The first Railway Direction Days 2023 (RDD 2023) industry-level congress is planned to take place in January. 

High-speed rail development has been placed at the centre of EU transport policy by the European Commission. Taking advantage of this impulse, the EU countries of the Three Seas Initiative have been developing their railway networks by constructing the first sections of the High Speed Rail system. Projects such as Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) in Poland, together with Rail Baltica and V4 HSR, make an important contribution to the EU's Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy and the goals of the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy, making Europe much better connected, integrated and secure.

These are the topics of the first edition of the Railway Direction Days congress, which is to be held in Warszawa between 18 and 19 January 2023. The congress is planned to contain two days of debates and discussions on the benefits of transforming the transport infrastructure in the Three Seas region. A particular aspect of the scheduled talks is the impact of the expansion and modernisation of the railway network in the region on the economies of Central and Eastern European countries, the decarbonisation of transport systems as well as increasing the resilience and defence capabilities of European countries.

The RDD 2023 congress will bring together almost 40 panellists - transport industry experts from more than a dozen countries, including Agnis Driksna, CEO of RB Rail, which is responsible for the implementation of the Rail Baltica project, Radek Čech, Director of International Cooperation and the EU Department at Správa železnic, Monika Heiming, Executive Director of European Rail Infrastructure Managers or Mark Sadler, Manager of the Climate Funds Management unit at the World Bank.

During the two days of the congress, nine panels on infrastructure and transport topics will be held, including 'Development of the HSR network as a boost to economic development of the 3Seas Initiative countries', 'The importance of railway projects in the 3Seas region for strengthening security and resilience of the EU and its neighbors' or 'Scope and investment process of HSR' and 'Passenger perspective of HSR'. A detailed programme and list of all the panellists is available at www.railwaydirectiondays.com.

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