Pajares Handover Of Infrastructure

posted on 7th Mar 2023 08:23

On 20 February 2023, around 20 years after the official start of construction and 18 years after the first tunnel lining ring was moved into position, Adif Alta Velocidad took the significant step of transferring the infrastructure of the Variante de Pajares high speed line, between La Robla and Pola de Lena to its filial concern, Adif Circulación y Mantenimiento (ADIF CM). This means that construction of the Variant has officially been completed. There are still some minor construction tasks to be finished off, but these will not affect test running 

The transfer will enable full testing and verification of the infrastructure to take place. Hitherto, test runs could only take place within the new stretch of line. This limited use to one of Adif's SENECA laboratory diesel units, which was in constant use since autumn 2022. Now, the final step will be to energise the overhead wire, enabling trains, of all types to be used on the Variante, to enter the line from the public network and use the junctions to and from the latter. Test runs will in future be controlled by the León Centro de Regulación de Circulación (CRC), with operating speed being gradually increased from 160 to 200 km/h.

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