ČD Cargo 2025

First ZSSK KISSes on the ŽSR network

posted on 8th Aug 2023 18:22

After the tests at the VUZ Velim centre, 561.002 was transported from Velim to Kúty in Slovakia on 2 August 2023, i. e. the unit that was not damaged by the accident on 18 July.

The following day, in the morning hours, 561.002 was prepared directly in Kúty, after which a so-called rapid pantograph test was carried out on the Veľké Leváre - Zohor section. Then the unit continued through Bratislava hl. st. to Smolenice station to the temporary storage on the siding of the Chemolak company. 561.003 arrived there on 7 August. Then on the 8th both of them performed double traction tests between Leopoldov and Nové Mesto nad Váhom. On 9 August, there are scheduled runs between Zohor and Veľké Leváre.

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