ČD Cargo 2025

First TRAXXes For EP Cargo

posted on 27th Mar 2018 12:08

In December 2017 EP Cargo placed an order for two TRAXX F140 AC3 locomotives, with deliveries scheduled by the end of March. This photo taken on 23 March shows one of them, 187 085, in Bombardier’s Kassel works. The two TRAXXes are to take over haulage of trains moving REA-gypsum from the Lausitz Energie (LEAG) power stations to Stralsund for shipment to Sweden. This contract has been running now for over a year, but so far EP Cargo has had to use hired motive power. The arrival of the TRAXXes will only mean a change in the locomotives used for these trains, nothing else. The haulage is contracted to HSL Logistik, EP Cargo making its locomotives available for the latter. EP Cargo is a subsidiary of Energetický a Průmyslový Holding (EPH), which holds 50 % of LEAG’s shares, the other 50 % being held by PPF Investments.
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