ČD Cargo 2025

First TRAXX DC3 and MS3 Born

posted on 22nd Dec 2017 12:24

The family of new generation TRAXXes is expanding. There are now new MS and DC versions too. The first TRAXX DC3 was built at Bombardier’s Vado Ligure factory, and was presented on 14 December 2017 (see the first photo). It will probably be designated Class E494. Meanwhile final assembly at Kassel is taking place of one of the pre-series TRAXX MS3 locomotives, in the second photo, it is seen on 13 December, while now it is ready for first activating tests. The first orders are now coming in for these new-generation TRAXXes. These are from the Italian State-owned railfreight operator. Mercitalia Rail has ordered 40 TRAXX DC3s with an option for 20 more. TX Logistik, German subsidiary of the Mercitalia Logistics, ordered 40 TRAXX MS3s, with an option for 25 more. 
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