First test runs with Mireo HMU in Bayern

updated on 28th Sep 2023 11:13 posted on 15th Sep 2023 16:01

On 15 September 2023 Siemens Mobility has completed the first test run campagne with the Mireo Plus H hydrogen-powered train in Bayern. The two-car unit 563 101 did an extensive testing program during the whole week starting on 11 September. For the last test run on the 15th, Siemens invited guests and customers to enjoy one of train on public tracks. Currently the HMU is back at the Siemens's PCW facility and will proceed with the few remaining homologation tests.

563 101 is one of the two demonstration hydrogen Mireos and it will enter passenger service in mid-2024 on Augsburg - Füssen and Augsburg - Peissenberg routes on the Bayerische Regiobahn (BRB) network. Pilot operations of the HMU are planned for 30 months and are supported by the State of Bavaria. Siemens Mobility and Bayern signed the corresponding development partnership in 2021.

Bayern’s Transport Minister Christian Bernreiter: “By conducting 30 months of passenger operations, we will test the hydrogen train under a full range of everyday conditions. The results of these tests will then determine whether we decide to use HMUs on additional routes. Our goal is to end diesel operations in Bayern’s local and regional rail passenger transport by 2040. In addition to electrifying routes and using battery-powered trains, hydrogen propulsion can be an important factor in achieving this goal.”

The second Mireo Plus H demonstration train will start test operation in Baden-Württemberg by DB in mid-2024.


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