ČD Cargo 2025

First Modernised Type 406A-40 Car For PKP IC

posted on 5th May 2020 14:25

Under a contract awarded in February 2018, Hipolit Cegielski - Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych (FPS) is modernising for PKP Intercity ten first class Type 145Ab carriages, built in the years after 1996 by H. Cegielski. These were originally with compartment accommodation, and are now being rebuilt into Type 406A-40 restaurant cars, being fitted with HVAC, vacuum-retention WCs, a completely new interior, including a kitchen, and suchlike. Deliveries are scheduled to take place in 2020.

The first of these cars is now being tested at the Źmigród test circuit, where it arrived on 24 April.

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