Deliveries of GAMA Marathon locomotives for CARGOUNIT

posted on 4th Mar 2025 10:26

On 27 February 2025, the largest Polish pool took delivery of the 41st GAMA Marathon machine ordered so far. It has awarded PESA a framework contract for twenty machines in autumn 2022, and optional deliveries of ten locomotives. This was not only fulfilled, but gradually increased, eventually to 41. 

The locomotives in question are 111Ed-043, 049, 050, 051, 055 - 080, 094, 097, 098, 100 - 106, 112 (respectively 5 170 183, 184, 185 - 192, 213 - 232, 299 - 308 and 310), and CARGOUNIT is considering acquiring more. Among the lessees of these locomotives are Alza Cargo, Cemet, CTL Logistics, FDM-REW Damian Żur, HSL Polska, Olavion, ORLEN Kolej, Pol-Miedź Trans (PMT), Pomorskie Przedsiębiorstwo Mechaniczno-Torowe (PPM-T) or Quemetica Cargo.

In addition to these, CARGOUNIT also owns an older prototype 111Ed-001 and two GAMAs without the Last Mile module (111Eb). Soon, it will expand its fleet of electric locomotives with the Last Mile module with ten Dragon 2 machines, deliveries is scheduled to take place in 2025.

Locomotives with the Last Mile module have gained considerable popularity among Polish operators. So far, around 100 GAMA Marathons and a similar number of Dragon 2 DC locomotives with Last Mile module have been ordered by various customers.

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