25 Coradia Lint DMUs to Bayerische Oberlandbahn

posted on 19th Dec 2018 11:40

On 19 December 2018 Alstom has signed a contract with Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH (BOB) for the supply of 25 Coradia Lint DMUs. The 140 km/h two-car trains will operate in the Bavarian Oberland, on the München - Holzkirchen - Lenggries/Tegernsee/Bayrischzell lines, beginning in summer 2020. The trains will be built at Alstom’s Salzgitter works.

Fabian Amini, Chairman of the Management Board of Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH, said: „The early changeover to new trains means a qualitative quantum leap for our passengers and us so that all employees are also full of anticipation for the new vehicles. As a next big step, we hope a decision will soon be taken for the electrification of the Oberland.“

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