Partnership Between AFAB And Green Cargo Continues

posted on 17th Sep 2021 16:37

After a long and successful 15-year partnership between A Flygbränslehantering (AFAB, the Aviation fuel management) and Green Cargo, both parties have signed a new agreement for another five years. Communication, flexibility and high levels of punctuality are key factors in this sustainable logistics solution.

Since the partnership began, rail freight has replaced approximately 210,000 truck shipments, reducing AFAB’s emissions by 98 %, a total of 76,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The aviation fuel is shipped by rail from the Port of Gävle to the Brista unloading station outside Arlanda. For the past 15 years, Green Cargo has transported over 8,271,000 tonnes of aviation fuel in nearly 130,000 wagons and 7,600 trains.

The volumes of aviation fuel shipped has increased through the years and Green Cargo has run between 10 and 15 trains per week. But when the pandemic hit in 2020, the need for aviation fuel was drastically reduced and single-commodity trains fell to one train per week. Travel has picked up again, but the future is uncertain.

AFAB and Green Cargo have worked hard during the past year to find solutions for a new logistics solution adapted to the new normal. Together, the parties have built a stable solution for a long-term collaboration. For all these years, Green Cargo has delivered at essentially 100 % punctuality, with only a handful of deviations in 15 years.

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