ČD Cargo 2025

First Train In The Ostrava-Mošnov Terminal

posted on 14th Aug 2022 17:38

The intermodal terminal built near Ostrava airport begins to serve traffic as the first train arrived there on 14 August 2022. On 16 wagons, it carried from Interporto d'Abruzzo 32 semi-trailers of Arcese Trasporti. The latter is an well established customer for rail in the Alpine transit, which introduced now a new line for transports between Italy and southern Poland, using rail as far as the new Czech reloading site. The train should be operated regularly twice a week from now on. Its operators are Captrain Italia, ČD Cargo (in Austria) and LOKORAIL in the Czech Republic.

In the coming weeks, MSC should start to use the reloading facility, too. Innofreight is the owner of the terminal through its TKD OSTRAVA MOŠNOV subsidiary as well as is also its operator, through Terminál Mošnov subsidiary. In the latter, however, the main terminal customers shall become shareholders, too.

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