First Modernised Class 646 DMU For ČD

posted on 25th Aug 2021 13:55

In December 2018, ČD purchased 12 Class 646 DMUs from DB Regio. Since no interested party applied for the 2019 tender for their modernisation, ČD put the first four, 646 020, 024, 026 and 027, in service at the Olomouc depot on its own. The regular working of this class then started on 17 February 2020.

On 6 November 2020, ČD signed a contract with ŽOS Zvolen for the complete modernisation of all twelve GTW 2/6s and 646 004, 007, 015 and 016 were transported to Slovakia in November. Now, 646 016 will be the first to be completed and is scheduled to be complete in September.

ČD states that work on the other 646s is progressing according to schedule and as far as the start of regular service is concerned, this will depend mainly on type approval according to ERA requirements.

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