škoda 2024

Czech Xpress Starts

posted on 13th Apr 2016 19:32

Since 2015 B Logistics has been developing its Green Xpress Network, a system of freight train services between Belgium and various foreign locations. The objective is to provide the movement of wagonload freight, or groups of wagons, using a faster and more streamlined method than that provided by standard wagonload freight trains. The first of the new services to start up in 2016 was on 9 February 2016 the Czech Xpress, between Antwerpen, Kinkempois and Ústí nad Labem, subsequently running on average twice a week. This photo shows the inaugural service, headed by 186 233, which B Logistics has on hire from Alpha Trains. The other photo was taken during inaugural ceremony held on 12 April 2016 in Antwerpen, with (from left to right) Kamil Rudolecký, the Czech Deputy Minister of Transport, Sam Bruynseels, CCO of B Logistics, Geert Pauwels, CEO of B Logistics, Marc Van Peel, President of Antwerpen Port, Jasper Pillen, spokesperson for the Belgian Minister of Mobility and Ivan Bednárik, CEO of ČD Cargo. The train is currently used by a couple of clients for sending Belgian steel to the Czech Republic, but there is potential for more clients especially from Antwerpen.