TMH Will Deliver Metro Trains For Tashkent

posted on 6th Apr 2021 14:15

On 5 April 2021, Metrovagonmash (MVM) and Tashkent Metro signed a contract for the delivery of 40 Model 81-765.5/766.5/767.5 metro cars for the Uzbek capital. The fleet is planned to be built and handed over to the customer by the end of 2021. The supplies will be carried out using a loan provided by the Russian State Corporation VEB.RF and ROSEKSIMBANK.

The 90 km/h trains will be equipped with asynchronous traction motors. Each train will consist of two powered end cars, one intermediate powered car and one intermediate non-powered car, forming 10 four-car units. The service life of trains is designed for 30 years. They will have modular inter-car gangways enabling through movement of passengers, double-leaf reclining-sliding doors of a 1.4 m wide with external light signaling of open and closed states. The end car will have spaces for wheelchairs.

Each passenger compartment is equipped with touchscreen information monitors with interactive search capabilities for the destination station, route planning, and travel time calculation. The air conditioned trains will be equipped with an air disinfection system and CCTV.

MVM and the Tashkent Metro have been cooperating since 1977. At present the Tashkent metro operates five Model 81-765.5/766.5/767.5 units, purchased in 2019. Similar trains operate in the Moskva, Kazan and Baku.

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