The First ATO Tram Run In Poland

posted on 29th Jan 2020 07:22

On 27 January 2020 just before midnight the first tram run in Poland in autonomous control mode took place in Kraków. The journey started at the National Museum stop, where the guests got on the 126N Nevelo tram manufactured by Newag, and then set off along the Krakow Błonia route towards the Cichy Kącik tram terminus, from where they returned to National Museum.

As part of the research and development project Newag developed and manufactured an autonomous control system for the Type 126N tram, which communicates with the tram control and monitoring system, enabling a run of the without a driver in the cab. The system, based on satellite navigation and measuring the route, provides for precise speed control, door control, emergency brake and suchlike. Project partners are Newag, Politechnika Krakowska Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych, CYBID Kraków, MPK Kraków and MEDCOM Warszawa.

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