Siemens's Testing Vectron Sold To ČD

posted on 4th May 2020 18:42

At the end of April 2020, České dráhy signed an agreement with Siemens Mobility Čzech Republic for the purchase of the manufacturer’s testing Vectron, which is equipped with an ETCS Level 2 Baseline 3 on-board unit. It is 193 902 which has already successfully passed compatibility tests on both national railway corridors equipped with the ETCS.

The locomotive will be handed over to ČD by the end of 2020. It will be used for testing of various types of rolling stock at the VUZ test centre Velim. In periods when it will not be fully occupied on the circuits, it will be put into normal operation with ČD's long distance passenger trains, which should represent approximately 80 % of its time.

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