ČD Cargo 2025

More Coradia Lint 41 DMUs For HLB

posted on 30th Mar 2020 10:15

On 27 March 2020 Alstom has been awarded a contract to supply 30 Coradia Lint 41 DMUs to Hessische Landesbahn (HLB). The contract is worth approximately 120 million EUR. The trains with 120 seats are scheduled to start regular service on the Teilnetz Wetterau West-Ost (Wetterau West-East subnetwork) from 11 December 2022.

The latter group of services was awarded to HLB by Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) for ten years on 12 February 2020. Teilnetz Wetterau West-Ost will include the following lines: RB 46 Giessen - Gelnhausen, RB 47 Wölfersheim-Södel - Friedberg - Frankfurt/M and RB 48 Nidda - Friedberg - Frankfurt/M as well as prolongation of RB 47 Wölfersheim-Södel - Hungen (Horlofftalbahn) and Lumdatalbahn in case of reactivation.

The new 140 km/h trains will be built at Alstom Salzgitter works and will be the first Coradia Lint 41s to be equipped with diesel engines fulfilling the new European Stage V emission standard. 

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