ČD Cargo 2025

ForCity Smart Trams For Brno

updated on 3rd Feb 2021 17:33 posted on 2nd Feb 2021 23:29

On 2 February 2021, Škoda Transportation and DPMB (Dopravní podnik města Brna, Brno Urban Transport Company) signed a framework agreement worth 2.4 billion CZK (around 92.3 million EUR) for the purchase of up to 40 ForCity Smart 34 trams. The first batch of five trams is scheduled for delivery by February 2023. Further deliveries will be made according to the operator's financial capabilities, but the final deliveries are planned by 2026 at least.

After Plzeň and Ostrava, Brno will become the third city in the Czech Republic where a new generation of Škoda trams will run. They will bi-directional three-section 100 % low-floor vehicles with rotating bogies. Each 70 km/h tram will be 31 m long, 2.5 m wide, and will have a maximum power of 560 kW. It will accommodate up to 233 passengers, of which 64 are seated. The air-conditioned interior will be designed using ideas about the future of tram transport.

The new ForCity Smart trams will gradually replace the Type KT8D5 trams, which are in service from the 1980s and 1990s, and will be used on the new line to the University Campus in the southwest of Brno.

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