ČD Cargo 2025

BDZh PP’s Tenders For The New Stock

posted on 8th Jan 2020 20:07

On 3 January 2020 BDZh Pyatnicheski prevozi (Passengers Services) has announced a public procurement with the subject „Delivery and warranty maintenance of up to 16 new EMUs“, designed to serve fast/inter-city long distance trains for trips over three hours. The estimated worth of the contract is around 247 million BGN (around 126 million EUR, i.e. around 7.875 million EUR per unit).

The technical requirements for the 160 km/h EMUs enable for the four- or five-car trains, providing a maximum comfort for passengers: the first and second class accommodation, a space for disabled people and prams, air-condition, CCTV, WiFi and an option for catering area. The main criteria of the public procurement are the purchase price of the EMUs, as well as the cost of the maintenance and the cost of transporting per passenger. The procurement will be in two stages - an application for participation and the submission of technical and price offers. It is expected that the first train is to be delivered within 24 months following the contract signing, and the whole batch will be delivered within 36 months.

On 20 December 2019 BDZh PP announced that the Polish and Romanian rolling stock manufacturers, H. Cegielski - Fabryka Pojazdów Szynowych and Astra Vagoane Calatori, have applied to participate in an invitation to tender „Production and supply of 40 new passenger cars of 1 435 mm track gauge for BDZ PP“.

The contract includes 14 second-class, 10 first-class and 8 bistro carriages together with 8 cars designed for persons with reduced mobility. The cars are to be equipped with an air-conditioning system, the 220 V power sockets at every seat, Wi Fi, indoor and outdoor information displays, CCTV and suchlike. The carriages are intended to operate mainly on the long routes from Sofia to Varna and Burgas. The estimated contract value is 76 668 536 BGN (around 39.1 million EUR, i. e. around 977,500 EUR per car), and after examining the documentation of the applicants, the procedure will continue with the next stage of submission of technical and price offers. The estimated delivery of the first carriages is anticipated within 12 months after the signing of the contract.

Both tenders are part of the BDZh general strategy to improve the conditions for passenger transportation and strategic development of the State railways, including the modernising of the existing fleet and the purchase of new stock, thus meeting the challenges of the future market liberalisation expected to start in 2024

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