Bahía De Cadiz Train-Tram Test Runs

posted on 8th Nov 2014 11:42

The first test runs are to take place on 17 November 2014, between La Ardila in San Fernando and Pinar de los Franceses in Chiclana. This is the first genuine modern tram-train network in Spain, the trams sharing the tracks with Renfe passenger and freight trains between La Ardila and Cádiz. The complete 24.5 km 22-stop network will link Chiclana, San Fernando and Cádiz, the trams using the Adif line for the 10 km between La Ardila and Cádiz. So far six of the seven trams have been completed by CAF, at the latter's Linares works. The accompanying photo shows Bahía de Cadiz train-tram 96 71 980 1202-3 inside CAF's Linares factory.
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