Additional AZUR Metro Trains For Montréal

posted on 12th Nov 2018 14:08

On 12 November 2018, the consortium comprising Bombardier Transportation and Alstom has signed an amendment to the initial October 2010 framework contract, concluded with Société de transport de Montréal (STM), for the supply of additional 153 metro cars (17 nine-car trainsets). The value of this new order is approximately 299 million EUR, Bombardier's share is valued at around 187 million EUR and Alstom's share at 112 million EUR Most of the final assembly will be undertaken at Bombardier’s La Pocatière works, in the Bas St-Laurent region of Québec, where the production of the last trainsets for STM is being completed. Like in the first phase, Alstom will supply the bogies, traction motors, the train control, communication, passenger information and CCTV.

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