ČD Cargo 2025

100 Days Of TMH Hungary In Dunakeszi

posted on 19th Sep 2020 07:07

On 17 September 2020, TMH Hungary assessed 100 days of its activity since taking over the management of the Dunakeszi factory. The DJJ teams have continued on the current projects, such as car refurbishment for MÁV START, but also final assembly, testing, and commissioning of the intermediate cars for MÁV START Class 815 EMUs for Stadler as well as realising work on Urbos trams for CAF to be supplied to BKK (Budapesti Közlekedési Központ). In July, DJJ was awarded a 90 million EUR contract by MÁV START for the modernisation of 403 passenger cars, representing a four-year activity to the site.

Terence Watson, Senior Vice President Europe at TMH International, said: „Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, we have managed to ensure uninterrupted site activities and launch a comprehensive modernisation programme, setting the bases for future growth. We now look forward to starting the manufacturing of coaches, renewing with the long Hungarian rail tradition, and to playing an increasing role on the Hungarian rail market.“

The new DJJ management team has launched the first industrial plan and preparation works to produce 680 passenger coaches for the Egyptian National Railways as part of the 2018 contract for the supply of 1,300 of them. The manufacturing area for the ENR coaches has been identified, cleaned, and is being equipped with jigs and other tools to start the assembly works early October. Documentation and drawings have been provided within the transfer of technology programme. The project team has been selected and a training is planned with the support of the Russian experts from TVZ, where the second half of the batch is manufactured. At present, 81 coaches are already with ENR and 22 are on the way to Egypt.

Since the DJJ take-over, TMH International experts in project management, operations, procurement have been working hand in hand with their Hungarian colleagues on production planning and key industrial processes. Among those, the introduction of visual management with new pictograms and content in the workshops, the development of new safety and environment rules, especially for the handling of hazardous materials, and the review of existing equipment and processes for energy management efficiency. An environment study was conducted to assess the necessary changes.

The well-being of the 600 employees is a key priority of the new management team. A detailed health and safety plan has been set up to closely monitor the COVID19 situation and adapt the operations accordingly. Temperature checks are regularly conducted, sanitary equipment provided to the staff and a separate room is organised at the main entrance to educate guests on occupational safety and pandemic regulations. In addition to the improvement of working conditions, the recruitment of rail specialists continues at Dunakeszi to satisfy the growing demand in both the testing and new production areas.

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